Did you know no matter what you think or feel, God has your back?

Sometimes, when I truly worry about something, I can get some serious anxiety about it. I try to control my life and final results of its situations, by being attentive and logical. In some areas, it is perfect. But in others, in the ones where God wants my trust to be put in him, it prohibits Him from affecting my life. Sometimes I hold back so much, I hinder his positive work. Which results in life lessons. Some are painful. But I am grateful for them. They are hard to swallow at times, but without them I wouldn't move forward. So I bitterly take them, one at a time and learn.
And it is in these moments, when I just sit back and decide to let it go and let him work, the Holy Spirit's peace washes over me. Sometimes, he ensures me of the final result. He makes my inner being, my Spirit, know his desires for me. And this particular thing happened few months ago. He told me what he wants for me. He told me I can relax, that the thing I so need, will come to pass this year. And today, his assurance, his promise, came to being.
Isn't it amazing?
It is not time yet, for God to be extravagant and obvious. The return of the King is still yet to happen.
So for now, he speaks to our inner beings. He wants us to be patient.
With that patience, his promises unfold into beautiful realities. I hold onto them. I am so thankful. For I know, he cares about me more than about a sparrow. I am his. And he is mine.

So often we take matters into our own hands. We try to imitate Him. But we are so small. In the grand scheme of things, we must look so cute to him. Trying to imitate him.

Just like my daughter, in the above picture.
She saw me posing on the rock. So what did she do? Well, she did the same once I left the rock.

We did enjoy the hike, we had some ice cream after. Kids got messy but hey, they have us :) We cleaned their little messes, just like God cleans ours.

Had a blessed week. May God bless You,